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My Story


Mechanical engineer by trade, I've been On&Off traditional drawing for several years.
I started working with Blender 10 years ago, and Krita 4years ago. I'm interested in history in general, and in old African civilizations art and culture.
As a growing artist (just getting started with my portfolio...) , I am experimenting with different themes, digital tools, and techniques.

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In this section, you will find my Design Projects.

Ekang NFT Project


Minted under policy ID:  1d632944fb061e780cfe0a203879c19bc62e751fa1cd679a2495e389  
The Objective of the Ekang NFT project
is to bring the story and the culture of the
Ekang (aka Fang ) tribe to the mainstream.
I am passionate about forgotten cultures & civilizations. Coming from Gabon, where a large portion of the population is coming from the Fang tribe (like myself), my first objective was to reconnect with a culture greatly eroded by centuries of colonization. Examining old documents redacted by explorers and priests of the 18 century, looking into art auction websites, I discovered that the forgotten art and culture of the Fang/Ekang people
was and is still admired by collectors/art connoisseurs (including artists such as Picasso, Braque, and Derain who were inspired by Fang masks called Ngil), selling in private auctions for millions of dollars.
The question was then: "Why isn't this mainstream? What can I do to change this state of things".
The result of my reflection: Digital Art+NFT
I am working with a wide variety of tools (Krita, Gimp, Blender, Davinci Resolve, Python to create useful scripts, etc...). My goal is to share the richness, beauty, and variety of this culture, with more than a select group of people...
A lot of work for one man, but I Finally completed 30% of the first collection: "Ekang warrior", and minted the first piece on #Tokhun-#CardanoNetwork.
I am hoping to use the sales to mint the rest of the collection as I have a lot in store, and a lot more to work looks to me like an endless pit of inspiration, culture, art, and stories (the Mvet) hidden to most of the modern world until now. This is in my opinion, a fantastic opportunity offered by the Blockchain/NFT technology, and I am sure there are a lot more forgotten cultures and stories out there...Hopefully, this will also inspire others. Let's revisit the past, to build a better future...

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Sakae Ward,KamigouCho, Yokohama City, Japan


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